
Anniversary thanks

Thank you for our 20-year adventure with art!


In 2020, a year like no other, our foundation completed its first 20 years in operation. The collection we have been building since the very beginning is now a significant, steadily expanding set of over 200 artworks. The last few years have witnessed other projects, exhibitions and publications, but first and foremost our educational programme Artist: The Professional. This year’s edition was special, as we moved from the lecture halls of art schools to home computer screens. Paradoxically, this proved to offer an even more intimate setting for the sessions. Every year your enthusiastic reception of the project and positive reviews of the sessions gives us great satisfaction. (Below: lecturers for Artist: The Professional in 2020)


Summarizing the years that have passed so far, we feel that what is most important in our activity develops and plays out somewhere between our projects. Successive exhibitions, programmes, publications, meetings in studios, and the presence of artworks in offices result from the fantastic cooperation of many, many people who share a faith in art, a sense of understanding, and friendship. It is the power of these meetings and relationships that grows the audiences for art and the number of art collectors, and we make our own contribution to the growth of art and real assistance for artists. The casual gallery of photos below presents some of the people (unfortunately not all of them) who have accompanied us over the years and whom we would very much like to thank. We still have so much to look forward to together!

Marcin Kryszeń, Kamila Bondar, Hanna Wróblewska, Post Brothers and Helena Czernecka - jury of the Foundation Prize, WGW 2020
Stach Szumski at the meeting with the ING employees
Katarzyna Przezwańska - studio visit
Kamila Bondar, President of the Foundation and Maria Świerżewska, a long-term collaborator of the Foundation on behalf of Zachęta
Michał Bolesławski, Chairman of the Foundation's Council, Michał Mysłowski, Foundation's lawyer, Tomasz Mazurkiewicz, member of the Foundation's Council, and Joanna Dymna-Oszek, member of the Foundation's management board, during a visit to Zachęta
Hanna Krzysztofiak - studio visit
Mikołaj Sobczak - studio visit
Marcin Kryszeń, Ilona Dzierżanowska during the announcement of the Foundation Prize, Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2019
Rafał Milach during the interview
Joanna Dziewanowska-Stefańczyk, conservator of the Foundation's collection in 2018-2020
Kamil Rierwszy who runs the Serce Człowieka gallery during the presentation of the Foundation's Special Prize, Warsaw Gallery Weekend, 2020
(from the left) Kamila Bondar, President of the Foundation, Piotr Bazylko and Krzysztof Masiewicz, authors and Bogna Świątkowska from the Bęc Zmiana publishing house, presentation of the "A Guidebook to Collecting Contemporary Art 2" in Zachęta, 2019
Małgorzata Kołakowska, the former President of ING Bank Śląski and Magdalena Kot-Szczepańska, a long-term member of the Foundation's management board - opening of the exhibition by Jakub Julian Ziółkowski "Hokain" at Zachęta, 2010
Tymek Borowski and Joanna Halszka Sokołowska during the opening of the exhibition "The Spirit of Nature and Other Fairy Tales", Katowice, 2019
Oscar Swan, long-term Chairman of the Foundation Council and Kamila Bondar, President of Foundation at the Foundation's 15th birthday
Agata Tomaszewska, President of the ING for Children Foundation and Joanna Warmuz at the CSR fair
Kamila Bondar, the President of the Foundation, shows the collection to students of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts
Magdalena Kochanowska, long-term President of FSP ING, during the Foundation's 10th birthday
Natalia Andrzejewska, conservator of the collection of the Foundation 2017-2018
Piotr Bazylko, collector and author of the "A Guidebook to Collecting Contemporary Art", published by the Foundation together with the Bęc Zmiana publishing house, and Jakub Julian Ziółkowski at the Hokain exhibition at Zachęta 2010
Dawid Radziszewski during the tour-vernissage of Katarzyna Przezwańska's works at the ING office at Plac Unii
Oscar Swan, Chairman of the Foundation Council, receives the award from Bogdan Zdrojewski, Minister of Culture and National Heritage in 2011
Vera Zalutskaya, coordinator of the Foundation's projects, Maria Świerzewska, the Foundation's collaborator on behalf of Zachęta, Yulia Krivich and Eliza Proszczuk during the jury of the competition for children "Korontanna", Zachęta, 2020
Maria Rubersz, long-term president of the ING Polish Art Foundation
Ewa Łuniewska, a long-term member of the Foundation's Council, Marcin Kryszeń and Joanna Dymna-Oszek, members of the Foundation's management board
Katarzyna Przezwańska, Rafał Milach and Diana Lelonek during the Riga Biennale 2018
Nicolaus Schafhausen, Hanna Wróblewska, Małgorzata Smagorowicz-Chojnowska, Marcin Kryszeń during the announcement of the Foundation's Prize, Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2019
Bownik during the interview
Łukasz Gorczyca, author of the children's book "The Snowman In The Fridge" published by the Foundation, during the meeting in Poznań
Stach Szumski and Vera Zalutskaya, Foundation's project coordinator
Gizela Mickiewicz, Kamila Bondar and Zuzanna Hadryś  during the meeting with the ING employees
Zofia Kulik during the interview
Agnieszka Dela-Kropiowska, curator of the exhibition of the Foundation collection "Present?", Anna Potocka, director of the Contemporary Art Gallery in Opole, Justyna Kesler, member of the Foundation Council
Alicja Żyła, Justyna Karpińska and Justyna Kesler, member of the Foundation's Council at the exhibition "Present?" in Opole
Honza Zamojski during the exhibition "1 to 1", 2012 PGS in Sopot
Marcin Polak during the Artist: The Professional 2019 lecture
 (in the center) Dominika Olszowy and Łukasz Gorczyca receive the award during the presentation of the Foundation's Prize, Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2018, (left) Karolina Plinta from the editorial office of the magazine SZUM, (right) Michał Paprocki, a member of the Foundation's Council at that time
Hanna Wróblewska, Piotr Marzec - the jury and Agnieszka Brzeżańska, winner of the 2018 WGW Foundation Prize, together with the gallery owner, Justyna Kowalska
Maciej Sieńczyk during the interview
Diana Lelonek and Katarzyna Przezwańska - winners of the Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2017 Foundation Prize, Dawid Radziszewski, gallery owner, Kamila Bondar and Magdalena Kot-Szczepańska, Foundation's board
Barbara Orłowska and Weronika Orłowska, interns at Foundation 2020 and Natalia Załuska at the meeting summarizing the fourth edition of the Artist: The Professional project
while working on the book "The Snowman In The Fridge", Łukasz Gorczyca, author of the text, Błażej Pindor, author of the book design, Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz, author of illustrations
Agnieszka Sural during the Artist: The Professional 2018 lecture
Sebastian Cichocki during a meeting with Artist: The Professional 2019 students, Katowice
Monika Zaleszczuk, an intern at the Foundation, interviews Zofia Kulik in the artist's studio
Agnieszka Pindera during the Artist: The Professional 2019 lecture
Karolina Szyma, an intern at the Foundation in 2019, here as a student of the Artist: The Professional project
Tomasz Kręcicki and Marta Kołakowska, lecturers of the Artist: The Professional 2017 project
Janek Simon and Karolina Plinta during portfolio consultations, Artist: The Professional 2017
Marek Pokorny, Kamila Bondar and Brunon Bartkiewicz during the opening of the exhibition "Spirit Of Nature And Other Fairy Tales" at the Silesian Museum in Katowice, 2019
Jakub Woynarowski during the interview
(in the center) Joanna Kadłubowska, the conservator of the Foundation's collection at that time, (from the left) Magdalena Smoleńska, Kamila Bondar, Stanisław Ślubowski, Iwona Ładno, Aleksandra Prokop, Paulina Skoczyńska and Natalia Andrzejewska (taking over the duties of the collection conservator)
Marianna Dobkowska during a lecture, Artist: The Professional 2019
Agata Plater-Zyberk, an intern at the Foundation 2019 during a tour for ING employees at Królikarnia
Agata Ingarden is working on her work in the Foundation's office
Agata Bogacka and Michał Budny visit our headquarters
Sylwia Serafinowicz, curator of the Wild at Heart exhibition at Zachęta 2018
Kris Łukomski during the Artist: The Professional 2019 lecture
Igor Bloch, Foundation's intern in 2016
Hanna Wróblewska, director of Zachęta - National Gallery of Arts, during one of our numerous study trips
Mikołaj Iwański during the Artist: The Professional 2018 lecture
Michał Bolesławski, Chairman of the Foundation Council during the opening of the exhibition "The Spirit Of Nature And Other Fairy Tales", Katowice, 2019, (on the left) Magdalena Gajdzica performer
Brunon Bartkiewicz, President of ING Bank Śląski and Marek Pokorny, curator, during the preview of the exhibition "The Spirit Of Nature And Other Fairy Tales", Silesian Museum, Katowice, 2019
Jury of the Foundation Prize, Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2018 - Hanna Wróblewska, Kamila Bondar, Magdalena Kot-Szczepańska, Piotr Marzec and Thiago de Paula Souza
Magdalena Kot-Szczepańska and Piotr Rydzik during preparations for the 10th birthday of the Foundation
Oscar Swan, Rafał Dominik and Szymon Żydek during the opening of the exhibition "Art in Our Age", Zachęta - National Gallery of Art in Warsaw, 2015
Anna Waśniowska, editor of the "Baśka" magazine, Joanna Dymna-Oszek, member of the Foundation's management board and Ewa Szerszeń, responsible for the Foundation's PR for many years
Kamila Bondar and Elżbieta Jabłońska during an inspection in the Foundation's warehouses
Magdalena Kobus during the Artist: The Professional 2019 lecture
Przemek Matecki and Zbigniew Rogalski during the opening of the Wild at Heart exhibition, Zachęta 2018
Marek Pokorny, Matteo de Monti, Seweryn Kuter during the opening of the exhibition "Spirit of Nature And Other Fairy Tales", Silesian Museum, Katowice, 2019
Marek Pokorny, curator, Kamila Bondar, President of Foundation and Alicja Knast, Director of the Silesian Museum during the opening of the exhibition "Spirit Of Nature And Other Fairy Tales", Katowice, 2019
Piotr Janas, Jakub Julian Ziółkowski and Wojtek Pusłowski at the "Hokain" exhibition, Zachęta - National Gallery of Art, 2010
Dominika Kowynia - studio visit
Cezary Poniatowski - studio visit
Agnieszka Rayzacher, Karolina Breguła, Kamila Bondar, Joanna Dziewanowska-Stefańczyk, ceremonial handing over of the work "Square" to the collection
Szymon Żydek and Rafał Dominik, opening of the exhibition "Art in Our Age", BWA Katowice, 2016
Monika Rendzner during the Artist: The Professional 2019 lecture
Natalia Andrzejewska, collection conservator, Aleksy Wójtowicz and Monika Zaleszczuk, interns 2017-2018
Jacek Doroszenko, half of the Pineum duo that implemented our website
Michał Budny, collection artist and set designer for the exhibition "The Spirit of Nature and Other Fairy Tales" during setting up the exhibition
Łukasz Adamski, producer of the exhibition "The Spirit of Nature and Other Fairy Tales" at the Silesian Museum in Katowice
Małgorzata Smagorowicz-Chojnowska and Nicolaus Schafhausen, jurors of the Foundation Prize, Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2019, Leto Gallery
Maja Demska, project coordinator
Magdalena Karpińska while creating a mural at the ING headquarters at Plac Unii
Oscar Dawicki and Kamila Bondar during a guided tour of the "Present?" in Opole, 2017
The "Salon Lion" club with a visit to the Szara Gallery. In the photo, among others, Piotr Pochwała, Iwona Wójcicka, Irena Gbur-Towarnicka. The tour led by Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz, curator of the exhibition
Katarzyna Przezwańska in the studio during online workshops for children
Karolina Jabłońska guiding around the exhibition "Spirit Of Nature And Other Fairy Tales", Katowice 2020
Joanna Piotrowska experiences office architecture during an internship at the Foundation
Joanna Dziewanowska-Stefańczyk and Błażej Pindor during an outdoor session of works from the collection
Marcin Giżycki, member of the board of ING Bank Śląski and Janek Simon during a meeting for employees about the artist's work
Jakub de Barbaro, author of the visual identification of the Foundation and many other foundation graphic projects
Iza Tarasewicz on the background of her work guiding around the exhibition "Spirit Of Nature And Other Fairy Tales", Katowice 2020
Andrzej Tobis - studio visit
Marek Pokorny, curator and Linda Dostalkowa, co-author of the visual identification of the exhibition "The Spirit Of Nature And Other Fairy Tales"
Łukasz Surowiec during an interview
Zbigniew Rogalski during a workshop for children accompanying the exhibition "Wild at heart" in Zachęta, 2018
Kamila Bondar and Alicja Bielawska during online workshops for children, 2020
Łukasz Dziedzic, Joanna Rzepka-Dziedzic and Wojtek Kucharczyk, i.e. the Szara Gallery, which we awarded the Special Prize during the Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2019
Mikołaj Sobczak and Polana Institute (Justyna Wesołowska and Marika Zamojska) - laureates of the Foundation Prize 2019
Radek Szlaga during the interview
Katerina Gregos, juror of the 2017 Foundation Prize at Stereo Gallery. In the photo with Zuzanna Hadryś and Michał Lasota
Marika Zamojska and Konrad Smoleński during the exhibition "3 in the morning", organized by the Foundation in cooperation with the Starter Gallery, 2011
Rafał Milach during the meeting with the ING employees
Rafał Dominik - studio visit
Ewa Łączyńska-Widz, Maria Świerżewska and Kamila Bondar during the promotional meeting of the book " Art in Our Age", Tarnów 2016

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