The Foundation’s collection includes over 240 objects by 111 artists born between 1922 and 1994.

We acquire post-1990 works by living Polish artists. Pieces by contemporary classics – Stefan Gierowski, Edward Dwurnik, Leon Tarasewicz, Stanisław Fijałkowski and Jerzy Nowosielski – were the first ones purchased, with intent to position them as the foundation’s pillars and determine its overall development direction. Having evolved from a preference for paintings in early days, we began acquiring works in other techniques (photography, sculpture, video, installations, textiles, ceramics) as well, their authors – Wilhelm Sasnal, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Wojciech Bąkowski, Rafał Milach, Agnieszka Polska, and Agata Ingarden – representing younger generations. Represented by one or several works, each artist is a one-time addition to our collection; we always make an effort to select the most meaningful and representative pieces. Over the years the collection has become an account of key phenomena in post-transformation Polish art.
Pursuant to our statutes, should the Foundation ever cease its activity, the entire compilation shall automatically become part of the Zachęta – National Gallery of Art collection. Decisions to acquire new works are made by the Board of the Foundation in co-operation with Zachęta’s Director Hanna Wróblewska. There is a single exception to the procedure: works by one artist or art group shown during the Warsaw Gallery Weekend are chosen for the collection following a competition.
The Foundation’s collection remains one of the few corporate collections in Poland. Works remain on display at ING headquarter premises in Warsaw and Katowice, and are available for exhibitions organised by public institutions. From time to time, we also organise tours of the collection for interested groups of students, curators, and art collectors.